I've deliberately taken my time getting to this post, because I want to be sure I express myself with the utmost clarity
and humility. First, I want to set some parameters regarding comments on my blog here...
1. I will never edit or delete comments unless they attack me or my family directly. I don't at all expect that, but I just want to make that clear from the beginning. Dissenting or negative responses to my opinions as expressed here are always welcome, as long as they stay on that level. Again, I expect nothing but such behavior from those I expect will be commenting here most often.
2. I'd really rather that no one post anonymously. You don't have to be a Blogger to comment, but at least leave some kind of handle. Real names, obviously, are unnecessary, but give me some kind of name to respond to, if I so choose.
3. More often than not, I won't enter into any in-depth discussions via the comment thread. I just don't have the time or energy to do so, and even if I did, I find that online debate tends to bring out the worst in people (especially myself). If I feel some kind of response is in order, I'll do that with a post, like I'm about to do here. Finally, if you and I know each other "in the real world", let's talk there. Please.
Okay, that's done. Now, to the matter at hand.
Apparently, my view of monogamous homosexuality is disconcerting to some people. I expected that, and recently (maybe even as recently as a year ago), I'd completely understand and probably even agree. It's just not a position I can cling to anymore. There isn't some drawn out logical proof to support my change in heart, because it's just that, a change in heart. I guess it can be dangerous to follow your heart, but I definitely feel that my head's along for the ride on this one. If that diminishes my "Christian" witness somehow, then so be it. I've always found the call to follow Christ to be more about selfless love than "tough love", anyway. Jesus said, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice," and I'm more curious about what
that means than I am about just about anything else in scripture.
So, if my view offends you, I'm sorry about that. It is just what I
think, as I said a couple posts back. Anyway, I hope this post doesn't sound too defensive or apologetic or anything. I certainly don't feel there's anything worth fighting about in my little opinion here, and I will move on to other things and find more ways to convince people my head's screwed on backwards, so that should be fun. Stick around (even you, Anonymous)...